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 Тед Чан "История твоей жизни". – М. АСТ. 2005. 400 стр. 5-17-020877-4. Тираж 5 т.э.  оформление С.Е.Власова.  Серия "Классика (фантастика)". Переводчкик: М.Б.Левин, А.А.Комаринец, Л.М.Щекотова, А.В.Новиков.


 Вавилонская башня    Tower of Babylon, ss, (1990) 5-40
 Понимай    Understand, nt, (1991) 41-96
 Деление на ноль    Division by Zero, ss, (1991)  97-121
 История твоей жизни    Story of Your Life, sf, (1998)  122-203
 72 буквы     Seventy-Two Letters, sf, (2000) 204-278
 Эволюция человеческой науки     The Evolution of Human Science, sf, (2000) 279-283
 Ад -- это отсутствие Бога    Hell Is the Absence of God, sf, (2001) 284-336
 Тебе нравится, что ты видишь?    Liking What You See: A Documentary, sf   337-389
 Примечания к рассказам     Story Notes (Stories of Your Life and Others), es, (2000)  390-397.

Просто сборник великолепных рассказов. 12 баллов по десятибалльной шкале.

Тед Чан: 1967 г.р.
Ted Chiang
Ted Chiang was born in Port Jefferson, New York. He graduated from Brown University in Providence Rhode Island with a degree in Computer Science. The same year, he attended Clarion. He moved to Seattle to work as a technical writer in the computer industry. With his first 8 stories, he has won the Campbell New Writer Award in 1992, a Nebula Award for "Tower of Babylon" (1990), a second Nebula and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award for "Story of Your Life" (1998), a Sidewise Award for "Seventy-Two Letters" (2000), and the Locus Award for "Hell Is the Absence of God" (2001). He lives in Bellevue, Washington.

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